LIMESTONE: pale brownish grey, mudstone to wackestone texture, dolomitic, locally (seen above) with floating brown very fine dolomite crystals, grading to calcareous dolomite, in part very slightly argillaceous, very firm to slightly hard, mainly tight, no staining, no shows
Note the splintery nature of the red Rutbah claystone fragment (approx 2cm long) as opposed to the more general blocky and platy nature of the greenish grey Haramoun claystone cuttings. Interestingly, the Haramoun cuttings are more abundant coming over the shaker (at 60-70%) but the softer and more splintery nature of the Rutbah causes the red claystone to break up more easily into “drill-sized” fragments when the sample is washed, giving the false impression that the Rutbah is more abundant.
Sucrosic Dolomite composed of finely crystalline dolomite rhombs.
LIMESTONE: pale brownish grey, mudstone to wackestone texture, dolomitic, locally (seen above) with floating brown very fine dolomite crystals, grading to calcareous dolomite, in part very slightly argillaceous, very firm to slightly hard, mainly tight, no staining, no shows